A graphic design there are three main purposes:
Get attention;
Left a deep impression on the visual people;
To achieve the first two purposes, the best way is the visual impact. Your design and layout will determine the time people see the length of your work, only the attention of others in your work will stay longer, the information can be effective communication. If your work can not get attention, everything else is meaningless.
Fonts, pictures, and various design elements of the size determines whether your work impact. The size of tips that we must produce a strong contrast in the design. If only one element larger than the other elements do not have any effect out.
In the following design, picture and caption size is the design with the impact of a decision element. Part of the title text size smaller, so that we can be more intuitive in the sense of contrast in the large elements.
Clock after the picture by cropping the background and be very lose big, but not shear the clock image is placed in front of this design than simply put a clock better than many. Remember, when we are all familiar with a cut items, people will be watching in my mind will be cut off part of the supplement on its own, this visual is habitual for us to design a favorable factors, so that we can design some "invisible space." Although only a black and white design, but the impact is strong.
Obviously, the design of the following illustrations are very simple, and illustrated elements is very large, although only a low-budget black and white design, but very attractive sight.
We said, "size" does not mean that we must take great, such as the following half-page advertisement in this newspaper, you are hard to ignore it. When it is precisely because the element size is very small, it still is a strong contrast to the design - large areas of blank space in stark contrast with the small element.
The bigger elements, it also means more power, you can become attractive elements of some commonplace. In the example below, even a text-based, but not a bit boring, although we will name in the background very lose big, even beyond the page, but readers still know what it means, because the yellow headline it has been aware of its full name. And the angle of the text was placed, also convey a very strong impact.
A large area of color to the simple shape appears, you can quickly attract the reader's eye. Comparative illustrations from the light bulb and small size of the text, so images appear larger. We will be illustrated in mind beyond the edge of the part of the auto-fill, and will also further enhance the image of the large size image.
The following is a publishing house designed layout, a very large size of the decorative elements and a great portrait image forming attractive visual focus at the same time convey a 16th century atmosphere. As the text is small, so decorative elements and text together with the whole layout still contrasts.
The following page is another change in the design, changing the contrast ratio of elements in size. In general, the decorative elements are usually small, to convey a delicate effect, but in the example below, a large decorative elements more freely, so that people can not ignore the decorative elements. Remember, we not only have to consider when creating impact the size, but also the contrast between the size. Large areas of blank space surrounded by a small portrait picture, so that together with other ad when scheduling can still stand out.
The following design, the large size of the black title command of the entire layout, and illustrations and in stark contrast to LOGO. There is no absolute large and small, only in contrast to a relatively large and small, but the headline and the end of the text is as big (We deliver an end text)
The color of the strongest impact comes from its use of unexpected and extreme. A photo shoot if its very beautiful, of course, can be said to have impact, but it makes it difficult excitement. The development of technology, we now have more and more visually some unexpected color to adapt to the use of, and the emergence of various software also allows us to easily do this, so in dealing with color photos, can boldly that may be surprised to find you.
But you have to remember that color not only means "colorful colors." Black and white is also a color.
The following example, due to the special use of color makes an ordinary photo into a design atmosphere full of pictures.
Caption using blue as a cool color, in this design was rather low-key. If we use the color of the title is a warm color (like red), the title would be too strong, resulting in a picture and focus element of conflict.
The use of color can be both conservative and compelling. In fact, this use of color effects produced by more than the usual full-color design to attract people's attention. In the following example, the synthesis of the purple and black background to make your vision through top-down, while the title with white in sharp contrast. If you can imagine in my mind that we use more in the design of color design, you may Kandaojiaodian not the same elements and the design, eye sight will be different, and more 閲嶈 of that in the visual impact of Shang force would not be so strong, even though they use more color to design.
Strong color combinations to make the following profile of this picture booklet cover design to convey a sense of contemporary art. Low-key background and bright colors, and do not form a mutual conflict, but rather to strengthen the front of the color expression. We may in these bright colors, select a color name as the text color of the gallery, but this will spread the focus of the expression, so the name of the gallery we used a low-key color.
A four-color poster design does not necessarily have to be designed with very different colors. In the following design, we were originally a black and white photos in PHOTOSHOP to add some color, then highlight the title you can.
Warm colors generally appear vibrant, and more prominent, so warm color of the element does not need to do too much already can handle them easily convey information. In practice, the difficulty is that you only want to add a little color, but want your customers to pay the price of color printing. Customers often think: "If I spend more money and more color printing, it is best to use more of this color!" This time, you have to tell you with confidence customers: just add a little color will appear more power, and can form a stronger contrast, but a lot more meaningful, make the card owner appeared more taste!
Unexpected design
In many designs, we see the first picture or the visual element is usually the first that we have anticipated, if you look at an advertisement about cooking, you have in mind is expected to see pictures of food; You see a travel-related advertising, surely you already know there will be some scenes photographed in it, this is what we usually think of. However, we can think about how people feel unexpected?
You might apply some special fonts, or use some very different type of image rather than the usual kind of fair average quality color pictures.鎴栬?浣犲簲鐢ㄤ竴浜涚壒娈婄殑鏂规硶鏉ヨ涓?紶鏅?鐨勫浘鐗囨樉鍑哄彟澶栫殑鐗硅壊锛屽弽姝o紝灏辨槸灏介噺閬垮厤鎸夊埆浜虹殑涔犳儻鎬濈淮鍘昏璁★紝杩欑鎬濊矾濡傛灉鑳藉鍑嗙‘搴旂敤锛岀悊鎵?綋鐒惰兘澶熻幏寰楀緢濂界殑鍚稿紩鏁堟灉銆?br />
銆??涓嬮潰杩欑瀹d紶鐩殑寰堟槑纭殑鍗曞紶涓娇鐢ㄤ簡涓?簺鎴戜滑鑳藉棰勬湡鐨勫厓绱狅細 Helvetica/Aria 瀛椾綋锛屽眳涓帓鐗堬紝姘存睜涓竴涓彲鐖辩殑鐢峰銆傝鏀瑰彉锛屽氨瑕佸姣忎竴涓彲浠ラ鏈熷厓绱犺繘琛岃皟鏁淬?
銆??鑰屽湪涓嬮潰鐨勮璁′腑锛岀敱浜庨偅寮犳彃鍥惧湪鏈?兘鍚稿紩浜烘敞鎰忕殑鍏冪礌锛屾墍浠ユ垜浠洿鎺ュ皢瀹冧綔涓虹劍鐐瑰厓绱犮?褰撶劧锛岃繖涔熸剰鍛崇潃鎴戜滑瑕佸鍏跺畠鐨勬枃瀛楀唴瀹硅繘琛岃皟鏁达紝浠ラ厤鍚堣皟鏁村悗鐨勫眰娆℃劅銆傛垜浠噸澶嶅埄鐢ㄩ偅涓瑙掑舰鐨勯鑹插強绾挎潯锛屽湪涓嬫柟浣滀负鍏跺畠鏂囧瓧鐨勮儗鏅?鏁翠釜鎺掔増骞朵笉鏄弗鏍肩殑灞呬腑鎺掔増銆?br />
銆??鑰屼笅闈㈢殑灏侀潰璁捐鍒欑粰鎴戜滑鍙﹀鐨勬劅瑙夛紝涓?釜濂虫?鐨勮倴鍍忥紝缁忚繃澶勭悊鍚庡憟鐜颁竴绉嶉珮绉戞妧鐨勬劅瑙夛紝浼犺揪浜嗕竴绉嶅鏉傚強鎯宠薄鐨勬皵鎭?灏辩畻涓?釜璇昏?骞朵笉鏄庣櫧杞粨涓厓绱犺繍鐢ㄧ殑鍏蜂綋鍚箟锛屼絾閮戒細浠庡浘鐗囨劅鐭ュ埌涓庢爣棰樼浉绗︾殑淇℃伅锛氬垱閫犳?銆?br />
銆??鑰屽湪杩欎釜璁捐涓紝鎴戜滑灏嗘爣棰樼殑灏哄鍑忓皬锛屾垜浠敼鍙樺瓧浣撶殑鏍峰紡锛岄?鎷╀竴绉嶆瘮杈冩椿娉肩殑鎵嬪啓浣撳瓧浣擄紝鏇磋兘閰嶅悎鏍囬鍘熸湰鐨勬剰鎬濄?鑳屾櫙閲囩敤涓?杈冩繁鐨勯鑹诧紝閰嶅悎涓婃き鍦嗗舰鐨勭嚎鏉★紝鏇磋兘浼犺揪鍑轰紭闆呯殑鍚箟銆?br />
銆??涓嬮潰杩欎釜姝屽墽绾康鍝佺殑骞垮憡涓紝鍖呭惈浜嗗嚑涓剰澶栧厓绱犮?宸撮粠鐨勯搧濉旇櫧鐒舵櫘閫氾紝浣嗚繖涓搴︿笅鐨勯搧濉斿嵈寰堝皯瑙侊紝鑰屼笖閾佸鐨勯《灏栭儴鍒嗘槸褰㈡垚浜?Paris 杩欎釜璇嶄腑鐨勨? i 鈥溿?浣跨敤鐨勫瓧浣撲篃寰堟湁鐗硅壊锛岄鑹插厖婊℃椿鍔涳紝鏈夊ぇ閲忕殑鐣欑櫧绌洪棿銆傝?鍏抽敭鍙ュ瓙璁捐鎴愪竴鏉℃紓浜殑娌虫祦鐘讹紝鑰岃秴鍑鸿竟缂橀儴鍒嗙殑榛戣壊妞渾褰㈠尯鍩熶篃寮哄寲浜嗙┖闂寸殑鍏冮檺銆?br />
銆??鍦ㄨ繖涓瀹跺鏍$殑骞垮憡涓紝閫氬父鎴戜滑鏈熸湜鐪嬪埌鐨勬槸涓?釜灏忓鍦ㄩ粦鏉夸笂鍐欑潃涓?簺 "6 x 48 =" 涔嬬被鐨勬枃瀛楁垨涓?兢浠?浼橀泤鐨勫鐢熴?
銆??闅忕潃骞垮憡鐨勬繁鍏ワ紝鎴戜滑寮?鍔犲叆涓?簺鎰忔枡涔嬪鐨勫厓绱犮?榛戞澘涓婄殑鍥剧墖璁╀粬浠劅鍒版儕璁讹紝铏界劧灏忓鐨勫浘鐗囧苟娌℃湁鏀瑰彉銆?br />
銆??鎵?皳瑙嗚鍏宠仈锛屾槸鎴戜滑鍦ㄨ璁′腑缁忓父浣跨敤鐨勪竴绉嶆墜娉曪紝褰撴垜浠皢鍚勪釜鍏冪礌浠ユ煇绉嶅舰寮忓彇寰楄仈绯绘椂锛岃瑙夋晥鏋滀細寰堟湁瓒o紝鍥剧墖鏈韩涔熸樉寰楁洿鑳藉惛寮曚汉銆?br />
銆??瀵逛簬琛ㄧ幇涓?簺寰堟櫘閫氱殑涓婚锛屾垜浠敤涓?彧鑰侀紶鏉ヤ唬琛ㄧ綉绔欙紝閫氳繃鏀瑰彉鍏跺奖瀛愬舰鎴愭湁瓒g殑瑙嗚鏁堟灉銆?br />
銆??瀵逛簬钁¤悇閰掔殑骞垮憡涓紝鎴戜滑浣跨敤浜嗕笅闈㈢殑鍥剧墖锛屽鐗圭殑鎻掑浘浣夸汉涓?溂闅惧繕锛?br />
銆??鑳嗗瓙澶т竴浜?br />
銆??寰堝璁捐椤圭洰涓紝鏃犺鏄鎴疯繕鏄璁″笀锛屽ぇ閮借〃鐜扮浉褰撲繚瀹堬紝鍥犱负鎴戜滑瑕佽?铏戝埌甯傚満鐨勬帴鍙楃▼搴︺?浣嗗亸绂绘甯哥殑杞ㄩ亾鍏跺疄鍙互璁╀綘鐨勮璁¤幏寰楁洿濂界殑鏁堟灉銆傚皾璇曚竴浜涗笉甯哥敤鐨勫瓧浣擄紝涓?簺鐗瑰埆鐨勭増闈㈠昂瀵革紝鎴栬?涓?簺濂囩壒鐨勫浘鐗囥?褰撻潰瀵规煇涓叿浣撶殑璁捐鏃讹紝浣犲彲浠ュ啓涓嬩竴浜涙垜浠父瑙佺殑瑙e喅鍔炴硶锛屽瀛椾綋閫夋嫨锛屽浘鐗囬?鎷╁強鍗板埛鐨勭増闈㈠ぇ灏忥紝绾稿紶棰滆壊绛夈?鐒跺悗鍐嶆潵鍐冲畾鍏朵腑閭d竴浜涙槸浣犲彲浠ュ皾璇曟敼鍙樼殑銆傚鏋滀綘鑳嗗瓙澶熷ぇ锛岃偗瀹氫細鐖变笂杩欑娓告垙銆?br />
銆??濡備笅闈㈠湪璁捐涓?紶閭?鍑芥椂锛屼綘棣栧厛鎯崇殑鏄紶绾镐細鏄?8.5 x 11 鑻卞 鍚э紝鎴栬?瀵规姌鐨勫昂瀵革紝浣嗕綘涓轰粈涔堜笉灏濊瘯涓?笅璁捐涓?紶鍙堥珮鍙堢獎鐨勯個璇峰嚱?浣犱笉浣嗕娇璁捐鏄惧緱鏇寸嫭鐗癸紝鑰屼笖鍗板埛璐圭敤杩樻瘮浠ュ墠浣庝簡寰堝锛屼竴涓句袱寰楋紝浣曚箰鑰屼笉涓?
銆??璇戞枃鍘熸枃锛?br />
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